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Fundamentals of Web Design

The primary role of web design is to help showcase the value and purpose of a website, while also delivering information and maybe even encouraging customers to purchase products. High-quality web design will always help push the boundaries and provide your business with extraordinary value. Here are some of the major fundamentals of web design and why they are important.

Layout principles

Layout principles are important because they are meant to deliver a sense of alignment and balance between all the elements. You want to distribute elements evenly; otherwise, the website will feel too bloated.

Great layouts will always use white space, proportion, balance, emphasis, and movement. That will differentiate the website while also giving it a very imposing, unique feel.

Color theory

The way you use colors is very important because it will help boost your branding efforts, while also making your website stand out. The three-color rule is prevalent; you want to go with a primary color and then use two other complementary colors. Colors have their own meaning and they will instill specific ideas in the mind of users. You want to use those elements in order to enhance your brand’s ideas and messaging with the right colors and style.


Typography is all about the way you present your written content and the fonts you use. Thanks to typography, the content becomes legible, and it can inform readers. Another thing to note here is that it can also help define your business, not to mention it boosts your marketing efforts. Plus, you can also evoke a sense of emotion. It always comes down to using the right fonts and style to convey those emotions and ideas!

User experience (UX)

A great UX will help bring your website to life and differentiate it from competitors. Some of the major UX principles include the creation of a user persona and seeing how they would react to the site and if your design fits the target audience. You also need to use prototypes and wireframing in order to test things out and ensure the entire system is solid and ready for adding in extras.


Web design’s primary role is to take all these elements and blend them to deliver an exceptional website. Creating a great website requires time, commitment, and experimentation. However, you always want to focus on establishing great visuals, and sticking to your branded color palette while also optimizing your typography and creating a layout that’s easy to follow and use. Doing that will help make your website stand out while pushing the boundaries and showing the true value you can provide.